Thursday, September 11, 2008

♥ barrack for obama

I cannot understand the outrage that has erupted over Obama's "lipstick on a pig" comments. As far as I can see, the only crime he is guilty of is of misquoting Palin's insinuation that the only point of difference between a pit bull and a soccer mom was "lipstick."

America, if you vote another Republican in again, I am giving up on you for real. At least, that is what I would like to do. It's more likely I'll just sit in my room for a few days with Wainwright's 'Going to a Town' on repeat. Because whether we like it or not, America is the only active superpower at the moment. Al Qaeda or whoever can blow themselves up as much as they want, they can crash into a million buildings but they truly are deluding themselves.

If I had the time I would love to make my own video for 'Going to a Town'. And I would know exactly what image to show during the lines:

'I'm going to a place that has already been disgraced.'
Lynndie England.
If you can't remember her (and I don't blame you if so, because WHERE did she go?) look her up.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

hello ♥ salam ♥ konnichiwa

My name is Ella, and I'm a first year Global Studies student at the University of Sydney. I created this blog to stay in touch, to make connections, and to express myself in a forum that to me truly symbolizes practically everything we learnt this semester - that the time is past when we could view the world as a collection of separate but interacting nation-states. We are one big functioning interactive collective unit, and beyond barriers of language and culture and politics, beneath all those layers which humans have scraped over themselves for protection from "the Other" (an idea that has haunted us since the first caveman had a peek over at the guys in the cave over the river and decided he didn't like what he saw) ... there is a common humanity.

"Remember your humanity and forget the rest."

Wow, there was a long sentence. I'm spending too much time in the company of Persians ;) Nazanin & Arash know what I'm talking about.

In starting this blog, I was heavily influenced by what I've read about Iranians who blog because their print media, under the control of the government of Iran, has basically failed them. Did you know that, after English and Chinese, Persian is the third largest language of blogging? I find that amazing. Check out my friend Nazanin's blog if you're interested; she is doing her PhD on this topic:

and a really interesting article was written about it by Bill Berkeley:
Boos, tsuβ & jaa mata